Practice Areas
Big firm experience. Small town service.
There is so much to consider when hiring an attorney. Family law cases, in particular, often involve emotional discussions with decisions of far-reaching impact in the lives of numerous individuals.
Though Dirigo Divorce’s approach is individualized for each client, each can expect the same knowledgable guidance and resolute approach expected from a large firm, but with the respect and understanding attention garnered from a home-town neighbor. Let Dirigo Divorce guide you through difficult times.
If you are going through a divorce, or contemplating it, Dirigo Divorce is there to guide you through the process. The divorce process is governed by State law. The process allows the court to address and resolve various issues related to married couples, such as how to divide marital property; whether to award spousal support; and how to make sure children are taken care of post-divorce.
Child Custody/Support
Some of the most common family law issues involve child custody and support. When parents separate from each other, courts need to determine what each parents’ rights and contact will look like for their child, and how much support the child requires. These issues are specifically governed by State statutes. Dirigo Divorce understands the concerns involved in child custody and child support and is ready assist you.
Premarital Agreements
Parties who are getting married are able to enter into an agreement prior to the marriage to protect their assets and plan for their children in the event the parties divorce. The agreement becomes effective once the parties marry. Parties to a premarital agreement should make sure that the agreement is reviewed periodically because an agreement can become void when the parties have children. Dirigo Divorce will gladly work with you on your premarital agreement or review a premarital agreement that you have already entered into to make sure it is still valid.
Family Law Mediation
Family law cases are often portrayed as long, drawn out court battles. However, it does not have to be that way. In fact, most cases settle out of court. Mediation is an effective way for parties to a family law case to resolve their issues. Dirigo Divorce offers private mediation for those who are interested in attempting to resolve their family law issues out of court, instead of a final hearing in front of a judge.
Protection From Abuse
Sometimes, you may find yourself in an abusive situation and may ask the court to restrict or prohibit the abuser from contacting you. This is accomplished through filing a complaint for protection from abuse. The court may enter what’s called a temporary order for protection from abuse. The court will hold a final hearing, typically within 21 days. The person who filed the complaint has the burden to prove abuse, which has a very specific definition in the statutes. A finding of abuse can provide relief for one party, and potentially adverse consequences to the other party. Dirigo Divorce is ready to assist you either way, whether it is bring a complaint for protection from abuse, or defending against a complaint.